Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Well, this morning I started researching bible studies and decided on Becoming More Than A Good Bible Study Girl by Lysa Terkeurst. I think it's going to be a good one for us! Praying God opens our hearts and eyes so we can use it the way He sees fit. I did read a chapter ahead and watched the video session, just to see if I was going to get a good feel for it and of coarse right off the bat she talks about not feeling as if she is good enough, that she didn't measure up. She made references about her dad and I though oh boy here we go... but it's not all about us girls with 'daddy issues' as some jerks like to call it. It's about how we go through the motions of going to church, reading our bible, marking things off our check list when really that doesn't get us anywhere. We are still basing life off our emotions and other people when we should be focusing on God and depending on Him. His plan for our lives just might blow us away if we let Him lead.
So, with that said, this quote out of the book has stuck with me some today.
"The thought that I wasn't good enough was more than just a feeling. It had become the filter through which I processed life." 
Well doesn't that just hit the nail on the head?? I've never thought about it really, but I do know it fits more than I'd like it admit. Time will tell. I will get more into it the study once we start it on April 5th.
Tonight turned out to be a little hectic, but that's life right? We had to get new tires for the truck, $$ we didn't want to spend, but we had to have them. Jesse took it to get them put on and on his way home, the break line busted and he had to drive home with no breaks. Thank God for keeping him safe and that he knew what he was doing. I would of freaked out! Is it bedtime yet? WOW . Jenna played outside all night tonight with her friend Cami. She is down visiting family and every time she does they have to get together. We have plans to go to the movies Friday, Lord willing we can all go and get out for awhile. Easter is fast approaching! Jenna wants to do a egg hunt, so I will get them ready and let her do them while Cami is still down. On a up beat note, KLOVE finally came to a local radio station here 94.9!! Woo Hoo So thankful! I use to listen to it all the time when I worked in town, but have been missing it because it doesn't come in here at the house... it does now:)

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